Project: IMADE

Intelligent Machining to control part Deformation (IMaDe)
This project focuses on the machining of large parts in AW-7075 for the aeronautical sector. Controlling the manufacturing quality of parts in these sectors is a major industrial issue. Due to the mechanical properties, which they must satisfy, the raw parts used are produced using machining processes and heat treatments. This project aims to reduce dimensional defects generated by the rebalancing of residual stresses using an intelligent machining clamping. Numerical simulation will be used to predict the part distortions using SYSWELD© software. After that, the simulated residual stresses will be optimized thanks to an observation of the distortions of the part during its machining. Using this ability to predict the distortions, it will then be considered to correct the trajectory of the tool during machining (or between successive layers) to improve the final shape of the part after unclamping.
Project Coordinator:
Gérard POULACHON, Full Professor at Arts et Métiers, LaBoMaP - Arts et Métiers
Project Partners:
Philippe LORONG, Full Professor at Arts et Métiers, PIMM- Arts et Métiers.
José OUTEIRO, Associate Professor- HDR at Arts et Métiers, LaBoMaP- Arts et Métiers.
Serge BORECKI, Engineer AMVALOR.
Interns and PhD students:
Mohamed Ali LOUHICHI, Ph.D student, January 8th 2020.
Elodie DEVEZEAUD, Research internship MAGIS, February 8th, 2021- July 24th 2021.