LaBoMaP Directory PhD students HSM Team
Published on December 2, 2023 – Updated on November 4, 2024
PhD HSM Team
Thesis Topic
Identification inverse des lois de comportement des alliages usinés à grande vitesse pour des applications aéronautiques : modélisation et expérimentationsInverse identification of the constitutive laws of high-speed machined alloys for aeronautical applications: modelling and experiments
This thesis aims to make a breakthrough in the inverse identification of the constitutive laws of alloys machined at high speed for aeronautical applications. The work developed at the LMT laboratory makes it possible to obtain elasto-viscoplastic behavior laws from experiments carried out under quasi-static conditions [Besnard 2006], [Bouterf 2015], [Hild 2012], [Mathieu 2015], [Roux 2008]. The aim of this thesis is to carry out the tests with observations at a speed 10,000 times higher and by adding the thermal field aspect for the cutting operations. Real-time monitoring of plasticity and heat generation during load-induced machining will be an innovative aspect of the project. In the course of this research work, the first experimental and numerical foundations will be laid for in situ determination of the constitutive laws during metal cutting.Doctoral advisors
- Frédéric ROSSI - Director,
- Hélène ELIAS-BIREMBEAUX – Co-supervisor,
- Jihane ARBI – Development support
- Univ. de Charlotte, USA
- Safran
- Airbus
- Tivoly