LaBoMaP Arts et Métiers Engineer formation

Arts et Métiers Engineer formation

The LaBoMaP is involved in two formations on Mechanical/Industrial Engineering open to 3rd year Arts et Métiers ParisTech students:

Factories of the future: From prototyping to high speed machining (PROTeUS)

(French subtitles and HD quality are available in the options)

5 Teaching Units (150 h):
  • High Speed Machining (HSM)
  • Machining complex shapes (5 axis)
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Transports, energy and biomedical
  • Industrial management
Synergistic activities with industrial and international partners:
  • Participation of industrial partners in the teaching activities
  • Industrial visits
  • Traineeship in high-tech companies in the transport, energy and biomedical sectors
  • Traineeship in foreign countries (EU countries and US)

Prof. Fabien Viprey.
Phone: +33 (0)3 85 59 53 58.

Additional information: webpage (in french), flyer

Wood: material, process and construction

(French subtitles and HD quality are available in the options)

The main objectives of this course is to:
  • Train mechanical engineers oriented in wood processing industries and wood construction.
  • Give engineers tools to design wooden structures, to control engineering manufacturing processes, to organize and manage production
  4 Teaching Units (150 teaching hours with 50 % performed by industrials):
  • Wood Material and Wood machining (24 h)
  • First transformation process (24 h)
  • Wood structural design (52 h)
  • Context (National and international) of wood industries (50 h)
Prof. Robert Collet.
Phone: +33 (0)3 85 59 53 71.

Additional information: webpage ( in french)