Traceable Identification of Geometric Accuracy on Rotary Axes – Development of Novel Contactless Material Standard
Project accepted for funding by the French National Research Agency's (ANR)
Generic Call for Proposals 2020 (JCJC Project)
Caracterisation of rotary axis based on traceable dimensional measurement on machine tools is a prerequisite for significantly improving manufacturing processes.
INTEGRATION is an innovative project consisting in developing a calibrated material standard, associated with procedures and good practice guide for a facilitated implementation in production processes. Using this material standard will guarantee reliable measurements on machine tools in the shopfloor, and significantly reduce geometric errors of rotation axes.
INTEGRATION is totally in line with metrology 4.0 requirements thanks to innovative measuring and controlling systems directly on machine-tools. These high-accuracy (< 10 µm) and traceable dimensional measurements are carried out on machine tools located in a harsh environment. INTEGRATION project meets the industrial need by contributing to a new productive organisation in which the machine is a smart, agile and flexible production and control means granting for metrological traceability.
Project Coordinator:
Fabien VIPREY, Associate Professor at Arts et Métiers, LaBoMaP - Arts et Métiers
Project Partners:
Gérard POULACHON, Full Professor at Arts et Métiers, LaBoMaP - Arts et Métiers
Sylvain LAVERNHE, Full Professor at Université Paris-Saclay, LURPA - ENS Paris-Saclay
Hichem NOUIRA, Ing. Dr. HDR at LNE, LNE - Paris
Interns and PhD students:
Daniel MALDONADO PIMIENTO, PhD Student, September 1st, 2021
Gahada EL MECHRAFI, Research Internship in accordance with International Master of Reasearch KIMP- APS, March 1st, 2021 – July 24th, 2021