LaBoMaP Directory PhD students WMM Team


Published on January 13, 2025 Updated on February 10, 2025

PhD WMM Team

Thesis Topic 

EN : Study and optimization of the peeling process for the production of veneers suitable for the manufacture of high-performance polymer-impregnated laminated engineered wood.
FR : Étude et optimisation du procédé de déroulage pour la production de placages adaptés à la fabrication de bois d’ingénierie lamellé imprégné de polymère à hautes performances structurels


IFRE thesis with WOODOO, a French start-up which patented a wood delignification process. This process removes part of the wood fiber binder, lignin. The wood fibers can then be impregnated and densified to produce a hybrid material for structural applications. Today, WOODOO offers a high-strength structural material (STACK) made from an assembly of veneers processed. The resulting material offers improved mechanical properties, dimensional stability and protection against microbiological attack and insect pests. In this context, the research focuses on the upstream part of the manufacturing process, on the theme of wood peeling. The aim is to optimize the peeling process for the WOODOO product. To achieve this, the research will first focus on understanding how veneer characteristics and the peeling process influence the impregnation, delignification and stacking processes. Secondly, the aim is to determine the parameters to be chosen to achieve the desired mechanical criteria of the product at the end of each manufacturing stage, in order to maximize the structural capabilities of the finished product.

Doctoral Advisors 

Partners :

Funding :


Start :

1st of December 2024

Expected End :

30th of November 2027